In-Sync Exotics Pancake Breakfast

Date and Time
Saturday Aug 19, 2023
7:00 AM - 10:00 AM CDT
Sat. Aug. 19th 7:00 AM-10:00 AM
3430 Skyview Dr., Wylie, TX 75098
$25.00 for Adults
$15.00 for kids 4-12 & seniors
Free-under 4
Contact Information
Michelle Allen
Send Email

In-Sync Exotics All you can eat Pancake Breakfast,
Sat. Aug. 19th 7:00 AM-1 0:00 AM
We will be serving all you can eat pancakes with a variety of toppings, fruit, yogurt, juice & coffee
After breakfast take a self guided tour to see the cats in the early morning hours
Great way to see the cats before it gets hot!!